Yo - you missed our best workshop (on SHITPOSTING) yesterday ...

I forgot how hilarious some of these ads were we ran in 2020. Santosh and I also prepared a lot more. You should watch it!

RB2Bers -

Here’s a link to the recording of the SHITPOSTING workshop we did yesterday.

Santosh and I prepared a LOT more than prior calls.

The material was hilarious - I forgot how good some of those 2020 ads were we ran for GetEmails.

A few examples:

I also went over all of the 6Sense post’s metrics.

You should REALLY give it a watch.

Oh … one more thing.

Someone asked me how I’d feel if someone shitposted me …

I told the story of Clark Barron and how he came after me HARD in April (post linked) …

Then I find out afterwards he was on the call!!!

He shot me a DM asking for his affiliate check for driving so much business to us by absolutely rinsing me.

Can you tell I’m having fun with all of this?!?!?

Thanks for reading, have a great rest of the week!
