The "Top 10" RB2B Plays, "Content-Market Fit" Live Webinar

I bet you a dollar you haven't thought about the different ways people are using RB2B

RB2Bers -

The Content of the Week is a recap of how members of the RB2B community are crushing it with the product.

Please be INSPIRED by these plays, rather than just COPY them.

For example - if you don’t cold call, don’t copy the cold calling play.

Here’s the post:

Over the past 10 weeks, I’ve personally helped over 100 founders, marketers, and salespeople implement RB2B. Here are the top 6 plays I’ve seen turn site visitors into B2B demos:

1. Samantha McKenna’s “Thought Leadership Ad” Play

- Promote a thought leadership ad to ungated content

- 1,600 click throughs to their site

- RB2B pushes site visitors >>> Slack

- Slack >>> Warm Outreach

= Booked demo on first campaign

2. Andy Mewborn’s “VA Does Everything” Newsletter Play

- Sends newsletter to 180k subs promoting Distribute

- Subs click through to site

- RB2B pushes site visitors >>> Slack

- Slack >>> email/LinkedIn connection and follow up from VA

= Books at least 1 demo every send

3. Vitaliy Verbitskiy's “Cold Call” Play

- Healthcare services co, low traffic, 10 visitors per day

- LI & phone sales motion

- RB2B pushes site visitors >>> Slack

- Connect on LinkedIn (near 100% acceptance rate)

- Cold call immediately

= 3 booked demos out of the first 10 calls

4. Michel Lieben 🧠 and Taylor Haren's "Clay" Play

- RB2B pushes site visitors to Clay

- Clay sorts by ICP, enriches with firmographic/technographic data

- Clay writes ChatGPT email based on pageviews and who the visitor sells to

- Clay >>> smartlead

= Michel booked 1 demo in first 15 emails

= Taylor is responsible for 20% of RB2B signups (we have 11% conversion rate on this strategy)

5. David Cimaglia’s “” Play

- Dave combs through the leads in our Slack channel every day

- When he sees an ICP visitor, he shoots them an email about what we do

- He then connects with them on LinkedIn (near 100% acceptance rate)

- He shoots them a LinkedIn message and follow-up email then next day

= We’re CONSTANTLY booking demos using RB2B

6. The George Munguia 🥥 “Coconut VA Cold Call” Play

- Someone hits Coconut VA’s site

- RB2B pushes to Slack

- A VA in the Philippines calls IMMEDIATELY

= George booked 5 demos DAY 1 with this strategy


Cold calling ISN’T dead.

ESPECIALLY if you are using RB2B to identify your website visitors.

People always ask me how they should reach out to visitors to their website.

My answer is always the same…

The EXACT same way you reach out to a lead who WASN’T on your site:

- Do it ASAP

- Do it on several channels

- Do NOT mention that you saw them on your site

If you are booking demos already, I GUARANTEE that you will book even more demos with RB2B.

Why wouldn’t you at least try?

It’s 100% free.

(not kidding)


If you're using RB2B, what plays are working for you?

Share below. Let's build together.

(Here’s a link to the post so that you can participate in the comments)

This Week’s Inbound-Led Outbound Live Event

This week I'm talking about 0-80k HYPER-ENGAGED followers in 18mo.


It took me 12mo to find "content-market" fit.

I'll go over:

1/ What I was posting

2/ Who was helping me

3/ How much I was spending

4/ What I was getting back from it

At every stage, from the first post, until my most recent.

Can't wait to see you there!

People were asking for a recording of Santosh’s event this week on the “Mechanics of Exponential Growth.

Credits are Almost Here!

Some time next week we will push out the new credit system.

The idea is that 85% of people will remain free.

The top 15% will have to pay (after the 1mo unlimited pro trial).

The “free” under 200 contacts will just be a push to Slack.

The “pro” plan under 200 contacts will have the additional pro features starting at $99/mo.

If you are already paying, we will drop you down to the tier you belong on.

We will not raise prices for people already paying $495 for plans that would be higher.

This will be a big revenue hit, but we think it’s the right thing to do.

1 credit = 1 linkedin profile per month.

Here’s where we think it’s shaking out.

After credits, ICP filtering is next.

Then the Salesforce integration.

Month-End ARR Update

We finished off week 12 at $622K ARR.

This will go down by 50% when we push credits out, but we think over the long term lower prices will accelerate our growth substantially by creating more total demand for the solution.

Once we get ICP filtering pushed out, we’ll have what we believe we need to enter a period of rapid growth.

Thank you to all of our paying customers (and to any free users who have spread the good word!!!)

That’s it for this week!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

I can’t wait to get these last couple features, add a sales org, and really slam on the gas!!!

Keep building!
