Surprising Clearbit vs. RB2B Analysis // Q: Should I create a course?!?! // LIVE EVENT: Getting Unstuck

Don't miss Santosh dropping TOP knowledge about Apollo LIVE on Tuesday!

Hey RB2Bers -

It’s been another crazy week in our world.

As always, for those following from home, here’s our public SaaS metrics dashboard.

Let’s dive in!

RB2B vs. Clearbit … Who is better?

Two weeks ago Sam Levan (CEO of MadKudu) put out a 5,000 word “Unbiased Review of RB2B” which RUTHLESSLY compared us to Clearbit Reveal across 5 metrics. I couldn’t believe what he discovered:



The accuracy of our de-anonymization ABSOLUTELY CRUSHED Clearbit.

RB2B - 84% accurate

Clearbit - 59% accurate

You might be asking yourself:

“How do they determine the accuracy of the data?”

The answer:

They used the % of records that matched their form fill data.

So, we’re way more accurate than Clearbit, and probably 6Sense, Demandbase, and ZoomInfo, since they all do a similar reverse IP technology to resolve companies.




The overlap of audiences between the two solutions was TINY.

ONLY 4% OVERLAP in the audiences between Clearbit and RB2B.

We found the same to be true with 6Sense’s tool when we bought it.

What does that mean?

If you are using Clearbit, 6Sense, or Demandbase, you need to USE US TOO.

It’s not only MORE information you’re getting about your site visitors …




Our integrations game is terrible.

We’re missing Salesforce, Marketo, Zapier, Salesloft, and Outreach.

But, we’ve been growing like crazy…

So that tells you who we’ve been selling to (SMB).

We’ll fix this over the next two quarters.




This is hard to write.

We only resolved 11% of Mad Kudu’s total traffic.

Clearbit resolved 31%.

However, I asked Sam in the comments how much of their traffic was non-US.

Clearbit can resolve EU traffic … We cannot.

The answer?

60% of MadKudu’s traffic is US-based.

What percentage of their US traffic did we resolve?

RB2B resolved 18.3% of US traffic (probably in line w/ Clearbit’s US rate)

That’s below the 20-25% we’re quoting people, but not by much.



Cold outreach doesn’t work anymore.

Creating intent signals that trigger sales outreach is the only way to grow your SaaS.

In Sam’s words, your first-party data is the best kind of intent.

So is RB2B the best source of first-party intent?

1. It’s 40% more accurate than Clearbit

2. Our coverage of US-traffic is similar

3. You don’t have to GUESS who the visitor was

Not only that… It’s free.

If you are using any of the company-based identity tools like Clearbit, if it’s working, keep using them.

But based on Sam’s analysis, there’s one REALLY obvious course of action...

Use us too!

Should I Create a Course (or 3)?

I’m spending more and more time talking to early stage founders about what they are struggling with and what (if I were them) I would be focused on.

I’m saying a similar thing every time based on the stage they are at.

They really seem to appreciate hearing my take, even though what I’m saying seem so second-nature to me.

Here’s my question:

If I made these three courses about how to bootstrap startups without VC:

  • $0-$1m Secrets

  • $1-$10m Secrets

  • Inbound-Led Outbound (or how to grow pipeline in 2024)

Would you buy any of them for $500-$1,000?

If you could write back and tell me ether:

  • YES, or

  • if NO, then WHY NOT

And be brutally honest about the “no” answer, that would REALLY help me decide if I should spend the time on it or not.

Let me know!

Getting Unstuck w/ Santosh Sharan

Santosh joined as President/COO when they were stuck at single-digit ARR for five years.

Nothing was working.

Santosh showed up and everything changed.

Come learn how:

1/ Apollo got unstuck

2/ They started growing revenues exponentially

3/ They did a Sequoia-led deal 18mo later at nearly $1b

You won't want to miss this one.

That’s it for this week!

As always, if you made it this far, thanks for reading.

I hope everybody has a great weekend, and remember …

Keep building!
