RB2B: $1-2m in 6 Weeks // Great Live Session on UGC w/ Clay // Clark Barron Up This Week

Hey RB2Bers -

RB2B hit $2m ARR (just 6 weeks after crossing $1m ARR)!

The crazy thing is that 6 weeks after launch we were at only $5,178 MRR.

Our pricing was completely broken…

And I was complaining about it DAILY on LinkedIn.

We had two plans:

1. Free - Linkedin push to Slack
2. $495/mo - ^ + integrations

What did that get us?

A 0.2% free-to-paid conversion rate!!!

Week 7 we changed our pricing to usage-based (thanks to my LinkedIn community!!!)

What happened?

Week MRR

6 $5,178
7 $8,348 <<<<< changed pricing (twice in 24hrs)
8 $14,228
9 $23,024
10 $28,232
11 $36,350
12 $41,995
13 $44,030
14 $48,091
15 $61,651
16 $81,775 <<<<<<< Hit 1m during week 16
17 $95,594
18 $106,353
19 $121,546
20 $138,375
21 $156,751
22 $167,548 <<<<<< Hit 2m during week 22

We still have a tiny core team - currently 6 people - and are only hiring for 1 role.

(Robb is looking for a Customer Support rep - if you are interested, reply back)

Where will we be in another 22 weeks, as 2024 winds down to a close?

If I had a crystal ball, I’d say:

- $5m ARR
- 6 FTE
- VERY profitable (at least $200k/mo profit)
- Set to triple in 2025 (with 1-2 additional employees)

Will my prediction be correct?

Only time will tell.

The good news is that I made a PUBLIC Baremetrics dashboard so that you can follow along from home.

Clark Barron is on Inbound-Led Outbound LIVE

Four months ago Clark Barron gave me a very public bitch slapping, open handed, right across the face.

This Tuesday he's coming in Inbound-Led Outbound live.

His basic accusation was that I am a scumbag for enabling RB2B for legal use in the US by US companies.

He says that it exploits a "legal loophole" (not true) and that I should adhere to GDPR even though I don't live in Europe and neither do our data subjects.

Here's the post if you want to read it.

I want our audience to hear his side of the story, and after you hear it, if you don't want to use RB2B, I want you to not use RB2B.

I am all about free speech and I want everybody to understand both sides of the privacy argument.

We'll talk about:

- Why Clark thinks RB2B is terrible from a privacy standpoint
- Whether or not company-level ID is any better
- What he thinks the future of privacy looks like

You aren't going to miss this one ...

I'm obviously the polar opposite of everything Clark thinks, which always makes for a great show.

RECORDING: LIVE Session w/ Bruno from Clay and Ryan Babenzian from Jolie on UGG

I was so captivated by this convo.

One company was B2B, one was DTC, they both were operating with the EXACT same underlying principles to create huge UGC programs.

(Ryan has had over 30,000 pieces of UGC created for Jolie - WITHOUT PAYING - over the past 36mo)


1/ Word-of-mouth is a REQUIREMENT, full-stop. Nothing works without it.
2/ It’s not about the money. Neither Clay nor Jolie pay for posts.
3/ It’s a very unsophisticated, super-manual process of outreach and relationship nurturing. No tools. Just DMs.
4/ Not about $ incentive. Neither company pays.

That’s all for this week!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and as always, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend, and keep building!
