Public RB2B Baremetrics Dashboard | Don't Measure ANYTHING | New Pricing is OUT!!!

Baremetrics is so dope, and I'm following in the footsteps of the great Nathan Barry.

Wadup RB2Bers!

It’s been a monster week at RB2B. Let’s jump right in.

Public-Facing RB2B Baremetrics Dashboard

I’ve been checking in on Nathan Barry’s ConvertKit Dashboard on Baremetrics’ Open Startups page regularly for almost 10 years now.

I want to give RB2B fans the same pleasure.

Bookmark it so you can check back daily!!!

I also linked to it in the footer of our site.

I’m going to leave it up for at least a decade.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed creeping on Nathan Barry.


Don’t Measure ANYTHING

The LinkedIn content of the week is a take on how I can’t really measure anything I’m spending time on.

It has a dope video attached to it, and a vibrant comments section.

Here’s the post.

I gave my 4th keynote of Q224 at SaaSFest. As I came down from the stage, a CMO of a $40M ARR SaaS asked me, “How many leads do you get from doing all these talks?” His jaw dropped when I told him the truth:

“I have no idea.”

I proceeded to explain to this CMO that:

- 75% of work week is spent on content, podcasts, keynotes, and webinars

- I have no idea what any individual thing I spend my time on is doing

- I am optimizing for “human-to-human connection”… which can’t be measured

Here’s how the rest of the conversation went down:

CMO: 75% of your time is spent on content? Aren’t you the CEO of two startups? How can you make that happen?

ME: It’s giving more back to me than anything ever has. I have a great team who handles what I would normally do. Plus, we’re bootstrapped. No board, no fundraising cycles.

CMO: What do you mean you have no idea what the impact is?

ME: I mean exactly that. I spend 5-8 hours per week on random peoples’ podcasts. I have literally no idea what is coming from that. I can see the analytics of a LinkedIn post. I have no idea what digging into my deepest pain and sharing it with the world is doing. I have no idea what spending an extra hour per week recording video is doing. We have a weekly live webinar called Inbound-Led Outbound. I have no idea if or how that is translating into any type of users or revenue. I’m trying to do a bunch of keynotes. I do not know or care if anyone in the audience is signing up.

CMO: What do you mean you are “optimizing for human-to-human connection?”

ME: I create content to maximize humanity and authenticity. I am bringing them along on my journey. I’m sharing things that no one else is willing to share. I’m putting my face out there, so people feel like they know me and how I speak. I’m making the 3rd season of a fu*king DOCUSERIES about it all. You can’t measure the success of ANY of that.

CMO: If you can’t measure it, why are you doing it?

ME: Because I believe that the most powerful forces in the universe cannot be measured.



People love to measure things.

Problem #1 with measuring things is that you start optimizing for those things.

Problem #2 is that the most powerful things - H2H connection, in my case - can’t be measured.

If I started trying to measure different parts of my plan, the content I put out would look and feel completely different than it does today.

Would I have more followers?


Would I have more random people (not in my ICP) commenting “100%” and “Fire” on my posts?


Would I feel known and trusted by an increasingly large percentage of the individuals in my ICP every day?

No way!

What I’m doing is driving a much deeper, more powerful type of trust.

But it’s a type of trust that can’t actually be measured.

One thing’s for sure though.

Trust = brand.

In 2024, brand is built one post at a time.

New Pricing is LIVE

Here is our new and improved pricing matrix:

A few things:

  • If you tried us and never paid because it was too expensive, please try again! We will give you 30 more days, and we have many new features.


  • We have 3 customers at above 10k contacts, so if you’re reading this, you will be below $1,000/mo (unless you are freakishly large).


ICP Filter Coming SOON

We don’t know if it will be by July 1st or a little after July 1st, but ICP filter is next up.

We’re working through account/sub-account for a multi-domain, pay-at-the-top application that has been requested by several agencies.

Hit me up with feature requests.


To Shitpost, or Not to Shitpost?

In 10 years I’ve bootstrapped $0-1m ARR twice, and just 14 weeks in we’re at 800k ARR with RB2B. There’s a highly controversial secret weapon that I used for at and RB2B to go $0-1:


Here’s a breakdown of what I did, why I did it, and whether or not you should do it to:

Shitposting Campaign #1: The GetEmails (now Facebook Ads Campaign of 2020

  • I made 1min talking head videos answering the sales questions w/ Helen (now wife)

  • They were amusing, we used props, we rotated backgrounds

  • About a month in I realized that I was agitating a vocal minority of privacy people

  • They were calling me a scumbag for reasons X, Y, and Z

  • I made ads specifically about X, Y, and Z, and their heads exploded

  • Facebook loves this more than anything, the ads crushed

  • People still say they recognize me from those ads today!!!

$0-1m ARR in 26 weeks. 6 FTE.

You can watch these ads by going to the R!.com Youtube Channel videos and scrolling ALL THE WAY DOWN.

Shitposting Campaign #2: The 6Sense Saga of 2024

I was upset at a slimy tactic 6Sense used to get us to renew early

  • I posted an inflammatory (and hilarious) post about how they are afraid of me

  • By some act of God, they sent me a Cease and Desist

  • I posted the Cease and Desist and re-wrote the shit post

  • It was the single greatest PR campaign for any 8 week old startup I have ever heard of

  • Everybody on LinkedIn hates 6Sense, so it lit a fire I could have NEVER expected

  • I tried to keep it going as long as I could, but alas … no one gives a shit about 6Sense

$0-1m ARR in ???

I can’t really tell right now but if I had to guess I’d say it will be 17 weeks. 5 FTE.


Should you shitpost?

On one hand, you might look at this and say, “social media loves it, so DEFINITELY”.

You would be correct about social media loving it.

The problem is you run the risk of ruining your reputation …

So if you do, it BETTER be worth it.

Separately, I’ve found that it’s also very bad for my mental health.

When I’m in a shitposting phase, I’m living in a world of negativity that I do not thrive in.

My wife says I turn into the worst version of myself.

I’d say don’t shitpost unless you are:

At a VERY early stage, and

There is an INCREDIBLE awareness opportunity that jumps in front of you

I’m going to be going into great detail about my own shitposting campaigns at the Inbound-Led Outbound workshop Tuesday at 3pm ET.

We’ll break down:

How to shitpost

  1. How to Shitpost

  2. The numbers of shitposting

  3. When you should/shouldn’t shitpost

Register here:

That’s it for this week.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and thanks for being a fan of RB2B!

Have a great weekend.

And keep building.
