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Anthony Kennada literally wrote the book on Category Creation. He's been CMO of two unicorns. Now he's doing something even bigger!!!

Hey RB2Bers!

After a KILLER live event with Alina, CEO of Chili Piper, last week (click here for recording), I’m thrilled to announce that Anthony Kennada is joining on Tuesday.

AK literally wrote the book on Category Creation.

We’re going to discuss:

  • How (and when) you should try to create a category

  • The opportunity AK identified in the market from being CMO of two unicorns in a row

  • What AK is doing today - as an early stage founder - that he ALSO did at Gainsight and Hoppin

Join us Tuesday Sep 17 at 3pm ET for more killer LIVE content.

(and check that haircut out)