May '24 Ops Recap | Aaron Ross coming on Inbound-Led Outbound LIVE!

The author of "Predictable Revenue" reached out to us to come debate whether or not it died in 2023!!!

Hey RB2Bers -

It’s been a crazy week!

Aaron Ross, the author of Predictable Revenue, reached out to debate with us about our viewpoint that the PR model died in 2023.

He’s coming on Inbound-Led Outbound Live on July 2.

Make sure that week is in your calendar!!!

May 2024 Ops Review ended May up 1.1% at $21.7m ARR, but still below our Dec ‘23 high of $22.1m ARR. RB2B closed the month at $622k ARR (+300% m-o-m). Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly of May 2024:


If you’ve been following along from home...

We had four down months in a row (Jan - Apr).

April was the biggest down month: - 2.3%.

The hardest LinkedIn post I ever wrote was that April monthly update:

- We were down for the 4th month.

- We were down more than prior months.

- The market dynamics had changed completely.

- We had competition coming from everywhere, big pricing pressure.

- Our churn problem seemed to be getting worse, no matter what we did.

The hardest part of that entire post was admitting that I had no idea when it would end.

It was even harder listening to our execs tell me that the post read horribly from our employees perspective.

But here’s what I knew when I posted that post...

We were (arguably, still are) just stuck again.

My entire journey has been getting stuck, then getting un-stuck again.

I knew we would figure out how to move forward again.

If we just kept going, we would figure out:

- Exactly how to navigate the new competitive environment

- How and what we could do that others couldn’t do

- How to improve efficiency and get in front of churn

I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet, but we are on the right track.

Retention(.)com team - I’m proud of you. Keep it up!

We’re going to emerge on the other side much stronger.


Retention(.)com Highlights:

- We continued the roll-out of EOS

- We are ahead of our Q2 sales target

- We’re seeing an increase in our expansion revenue

- Average deal size is up around 7% this Q

- Canceled revenue is down 18% this Q

- 375 people are signed up for our 2nd Retox event

- We launched a new Reclaim flow - “active onsite”

- We made significant progress on our SFMC Reclaim integration

We generated around $600k of free cash, which offsets some of the free cash miss last month (which was around $300k).


RB2B Highlights:

- $622k ARR 12 weeks post launch, team of 5 (welcome Jeff Hall)

- Still only have a 1.3% conversion rate

- We’re going to push out a credit system (lower prices) next week

- We are experimenting with a two-touch sales motion next week

- We have our first full-time salesperson starting July 1

- Human support down from 8.4% to 3.2% of total interactions

- We’ve started to see an uptick in UGC - 3 last week, 7 this week

All things considered, May was a pretty good month.


There aren’t too many negative things to dwell on.

Pretty soon we’re going to start including RB2B ARR in the top line ARR number.

That, to me, is the life we have chosen.

Get stuck.

Figure something else out.

Grow again.

Doing what we do is not easy.

But when you find a new growth lever, it’s sooooooooo satisfying.

The good news is I’ll keep reporting everything so you can be a part of the journey.

Keep building.

Inbound-Led Outbound LIVE - This week’s slides, next week’s topic

Here is a copy of this week’s slides on my LinkedIn journey.

Next week Santosh is going to talk about “The Global Domination Mindset”.

Click here to register.

New Pricing is LIVE!!!

We had a hiccup day one on our larger-volume pricing and have revised pricing to reflect this schedule, which is published on our pricing page.

Our aim is to be cheaper/better than the reverse-ip lookup solutions available to make RB2B a no-brainer.

And we aim to remain free for 85% or more of our signups.

Please give me any and all feedback.

Affiliate Program

We pay a 20% rip to affiliates.

Get an affiliate link by clicking here … and get out there and create some content!!!

Product Roadmap Update

We’re building an account/sub-account interface to help agency accounts easily navigate their customer accounts.

Next up after that is the ICP filter, which should be very valuable for anybody who is getting 25+ resolutions per day.

RB2B Creators Program

Bruno at Clay inspired us to create our own “RB2B Creators” program.

Everybody’s UGC that involves a workflow with RB2B/Clay/Smartlead is absolutely crushing.

If you get an affiliate link, make a post like one of these, and tag me and santosh, we will engage, which will make it bigger.

As soon as we get our ducks in a row, we will also put ad spend behind them.

Hit up [email protected] with any questions.

That’s it for this week!

Thanks for reading, and for creating such a great community for RB2B.

Keep building!
