LIVE THIS WEDNESDAY: RB2B's $1-$2m in 6 Weeks Playbook on LATKA'S Show

Wes Bush also joining to talk about PLG and G is coming to talk about bootstrapping $25m ARR


This Wednesday you’ll get my most powerful growth templates (live): 

  • How we actually added $1m revenue in 60 days

  • A book that changed everything

  • Templates you can copy

(Takes you to a Founderpath link - my buddy Nathan Latka is hosting in his $1m studio)

You hate live calls… BUT

I think you can quickly copy the SaaS growth templates I’m sharing.

Here’s a preview (decide for yourself) of the slide deck:

How We Added $1m Revenue in 60 Days

I’ll screenshare and show you how we did this live:

You’ll learn exactly how we:

  • Made 1 pricing change that increased free to paid conversion rate to 8.2%

  • Used the “Friction Elimination” formula to pump top of funnel

  • The book I read that changed everything

How He Converted 1,202 Linkedin Comments into Emails

Guillaume (CEO at Lemlist) tested 97 different sequences, this one converts the best:

You’ll see exactly:

  • The “one-click” flow he uses to extract email addresses

  • The 6 part sequence he uses to get a 27% email reply rate

  • How he “steals” emails from leads who comment on his competitors posts

The PLG Template That Created 500 New Customers Fast

Wes Bush discovered how to add 2,500 signups per quarter with PLG. It’s why these webinars always fill up. 80,000 watched the last one:

Wes is joining Nathan Latka’s webinar live with me. He agreed to give away his paid-worksheets, for free:

  • What a bad pricing page looks like (your churn will spike)

  • Case Study: 3 changes we made to pricing that increased signups from 1,000 per quarter to 2,500 per quarter

  • Mario Model for deciding what to put in your free plan - don’t make the “Dragon” mistake.

Want a calendar invite for this Thursday at 1pm EST?


See you there!



P.S. 80,000 attendees attended the last SaaS Growth webinar (screenshot above on youtube). 

Click here to reserve your spot for this Thursday:

(If link doesn’t work it means we filled up)

You’re getting a 3 for one special. 

In 60 minutes you’ll learn 3 tactics from each of us: