LIVE SaaS Webinar Tomorrow - 1pm EST - I'M SPEAKING

Hey RB2Bers -

My friend Nathan got 70k views on his last webinar.

Most B2B SaaS webinars are boring. I wanted to know how he does it. 

I emailed him and said:

“Where do you film your webinar”

He invited me to join him live in studio tomorrow to see how the magic goes down:

Here’s what he told me:

  1. I use open hooks to get 45% of registrations to attend live

  2. I “future-cast” in the first 10 minutes to get attendees to stay for 57 minutes on average

  3. I create a social loop inside the replay to drive 117 comments, 1k likes, and 90k views

!! Don’t join this webinar for the content.

Join the webinar to reverse engineer Nathan’s process:

…. If you’re in B2B SaaS and you care about growth tactics working, here’s what Nathan is teaching:

Build an Affiliate Army that Drive $10m in ARR For You

You’ll learn from:

  1. Flodesk: $27m in ARR, 30% came from affiliates. They pay out $19 per new signup. 

  2. SurferSEO: $20m in ARR, 40% from affiliates. They pay out 30% recurring commission.

  3. SEMRush: $300m in ARR, started with $40% cut, now $10 one time per free trial. 

Leverage Linkedin Ads to get 503 Demos’ Booked

You’ll learn from:

  1. UseParagaon: Spent $73,285.70 from June 1-15th, generated 17k clicks. Guess how many $10k plans they sold… [ANSWER HERE]

  2. B2B SaaS In MarTech space: Spent $24k to book 503 demos. 

  3. B2B Cyber Security SaaS: Spend $203k over the last 3 months to generate 503 hot leads and $1m in closed deals. 

Creating Content That Works in Age of AI:

You’ll learn from 3 case studies:

  1. Freightwaves: $40m+ in revenue. 50% comes from advertisers paying to sponsor their content. The other 50% is pure SaaS. Imagine if you could get advertisers to pay for your marketing content!

  2. aHrefs: 1.7m marketers visited their Free Tool pages in May. Build top of funnel like aHref’s. 

  3. aHrefs: Launched a simple glossary and got 65k page views in March. Copy the 1 genius tweak they used. 

The webinar starts at 1pm EST on Tuesday July 2nd:

(If link doesn’t work it means this email crashed Nathan’s registration form)

See you live,

Adam Robinson

PS: Check out Nathan’s setup.

I’m joining him in studio tomorrow and will get him to share full costs/process.

RSVP Here for Free to reverse engineer his process. 

LMK if you want that info :)

Hope to see you there!
