LIVE EVENT: 5 Outbound Sales Tactics for Early-Stage Founders w/ Jason Bay

Tuesday Aug 27 @ 3pm EDT ...You can do certain things as an early stage SaaS founder that larger companies simply can't. You need to be doing those things.

We’re all STRUGGLING with outbound right now.


1/ Predictable Revenue playbook died in 2023
2/ Response rates to cold outreach have plummeted
3/ Nothing that worked 24mo ago is still working now

I invited Jason Bay from Outbound Squad to Inbound-Led Outbound LIVE this week to talk to us about what we’re supposed to be doing as early stage SaaS founders and Growth Leaders to get outbound going again.

Jason is going to share 5 tactics that are working TODAY for early-stage SaaS companies.

We’ll talk about:

  • Things you can do that your larger competitors simply CAN’T

  • Warm outreach strategies - that you can automate - that large players are not doing yet (not talking about RB2B here)

  • How cold calling works today - the tech, connect rate data, and when and how to add the phone to your sales machine

You aren’t going to want to miss this one!

Join me, Santosh, and Jason tomorrow to talk outbound tactics and your outbound sales machine!

When: Tuesday, August 27, 3pm EDT/12pm PDT