LIVE in 24hrs: How Clay built their 250+ mentions/week UGC strategy

You are going to want to come to this one.

Hey RB2Bers -

Tomorrow at 3pm EDT we’re going to have Bruno from Clay on Inbound-Led Outbound LIVE to talk about their UGC program.


Because everyone thinks Clay is paying 50+ creators $1,000/mo to get 100’s of pieces of UGC posted each week.

They’re WRONG.

Here’s 4 things they don’t realize, and they are Clay’s best kept secret:

1/ Clay content performs better than any other content for a “Clay Agency”.

This is hard to appreciate, and we’re seeing something similar with RB2B. The standard loom video going through an automated workflow is just great how-to LinkedIn content. Some of them border on wizardry … Like the “Send an automated AI video to an anonymous website visitor” SendSpark flow.

2/ Clay content - by performing so well - actually helps the agency grow.

These leadgen agencies find their customers by posting on LinkedIn. Better performing content = more reach = more customers, full stop. Clay doesn’t have to pay the creators because the content that the creators make about Clay grows their business faster than anything else.

3/ Clay can be a managed service that the agencies run on behalf of the brand.

Here’s a big one, and a big lesson I learned at When your SaaS can be layered on top of an agency as a managed service and increase billable monthly recurring revenue, you will have a much easier time working with agencies than if your SaaS does NOT do that (as was the case with … it was just a set-it-and-forget-it).

4/ Clay content makes agencies look smart and cutting edge.

This is more of #1 and #2, but it’s worth mentioning. Looking like the smartest guy in the room is a tremendous competitive advantage for LeadGen agencies.

5/ Clay understands that agencies want visibility and recognition more than anything else.

There are tons of LeadGen agencies, and their offers can seem fairly commoditized. Clay’s email list is over 100,000, and I have no idea how much web traffic they get, but I assure you it’s a ton. Clay understands the relationship formed when they highlight their best partners.


Clay has developed an insanely effective UGC machine.

They’ve harnessed the power of organic social media WITHOUT their founders being influencers.

On the DTC side, I saw Jolie do something similar, but even more prolific.

$0-$50m run rate in 18mo, 3 FTE.
30k pieces of UGC created in 2023.

If you’re interested in learning more, I’m having:

Bruno - the mastermind from Clay - and
Ryan - the mastermind from Jolie

On Inbound-Led Outbound live this week.

We’re going to talk about:

1/ How to create massive UGC machines
2/ What compensation (monetary and otherwise) works
3/ How to measure the effectiveness of your UGC machine

It’s Tuesday at 3pm EDT.

See you tomorrow!
