HubSpot Integration is LIVE and the Future of BDRs

We sync our identities to their tracking cookie. DOPE.

Wadup RB2Bers!

HubSpot Integration is LIVE!

If we never reached out to you as a beta tester, give it a try now.

Just click on integrations in the app to set it up.

HubSpot is more than just a push integration:

  • We sync the HS cookie of anonymous visitors with our known identity

  • Once synced, HS will track future pageview histories

  • Any workflows driven off the cookie will be more powerful

  • If the HS cookie breaks, we can rebuild it with our identity

We now label a contact as “in HubSpot” in our app … We will soon label it as “In CRM”, hopefully with deal stage, in slack.

We realized this becomes much more valuable when we have an ICP filter, which we should have by mid-June.

The HubSpot integration will be part of “pro”, which will have new pricing by June 1.

If you are paying $495 and fall into a lower bucket, we will automatically adjust your bill downwards.

Let me know if you have any questions about it.

This Week’s Live Event - RB2B + Clay

Join me and Patrick as we talk about hot to create a hyper-personalized, fully automated, multi-channel machine that targets inbound website visitors.

Book demos while you sleep.

LIVE this Tuesday at 3pm EST/12pm PST.

And if you missed Tuesday’s event about how I bootstrapped $22m ARR in 4 years, here’s a recording.

New Beta Feature: Hot Pages

We have dropped Hot Pages in the app for RB2Bers to experiment with.

We currently tag visitors to Hot Pages in the Profiles section of the app, but have not yet updated the Slack integration to indicate a Hot Page visitor.

All feedback is welcome!

We are building fast and furiously so it’s not perfect yet.

Content Spotlight: What does the Future of BDR Look Like?

2023 killed the Predictable Revenue model. Response rates have dropped 50% and are getting worse.

Does that mean the BDR is dead too? Absolutely not.

Here’s what the future of the BDR role looks like:


Here's how I view the trends in Outbound Sales (and the world in general):

- Response rates are down b/c automated prospecting is growing exponentially

- Sales management combats lower response rates with higher activity targets

- AI generated “B- Sludge” puked out on every channel pours salt in the wound


- Every day it gets easier for prospects to do their own research

- Authenticity (content with a unique POV) gets amplified in the AI world

- “Influencers” become larger and more valuable by the second

So here's my question:

In a world where prospects are doing their own research and the best, most authentic content is being served to the most people, who is doing demand creation and demand capture?

Answer: BDR Influencers

What is an “Influencer”?

Someone who has the skills to build an audience (or community) around a set of ideas - probably using video - whose name is known, whose face is trusted, and who has a unique point of view.

Here’s what a day in the life of a BDR in 2034 might look like:

8:00-9:00am: Respond to comments on other peoples’ posts (and your own)

9:00-10:00am: Idea generation with the rest of the outbound sales team (all influencers)

10:00-11:30am: Write a longform LinkedIn post, record a YouTube video, AI edits and posts.

11:30-1pm: Workout / lunch.

1:00-3:00pm: Absorb other top performers’ content across networks, comment intelligently.

3:00-4:00pm: Analyze metrics of automated outbound machine, tweak, improve, etc.

4:00-4:30pm: Follow-up on positive replies, move prospects down funnel.

4:30-5:00pm: Meet with team for second ideas session, share what was interesting from the day.


It’s 2024.

The Predictable Revenue model has been dead for 18 months.

Some people think Outbound Sales as we know it is dying right along with it.

And they may be right…

All of the trends that killed the Predictable Revenue model are only getting worse.

What does that mean for the next generation of Outbound sellers?

Take a look at how the top YouTubers run their lives.

Because in 2034, that’s going to be how pipeline gets created.

That’s all I got for this week.

It feels like it’s been a while since I took a swipe at 6Sense, doesn’t it?

Fuck those fucking fuckers.

Keep Building.
