How We Deleted Our Codebase 2 Weeks Before Selling // LIVE: Alina CEO of ChiliPiper // Mark's AMAZING BEEF Rap

True story ... We actually did delete the codebase ... And truly amazing video.

Hey RB2Bers -

Hello from SaaSOpen in NYC!

I had a great interview with Nathan this morning to kick the day off.

He really puts you through the ringer.

He asked me if anything was off limits before we got on stage …

I was like “nah, just bring it”.

P&L, RB2B growth, being stuck, RB2B churn, litigation marketing …

We covered it all.

If I saw you today, hello again!

On to the weekly newsletter.


This week my team dropped what I think is the best video we’ve ever done BY FAR.

It’s one of those crazy startup stories …

In 2021 we had our first startup sold and one of our engineers somehow deleted our code base 14 days before we were supposed to be wired $10m.

And the video really is so dramatic (but accurate) and amazing.

Let me know what you think!

LIVE EVENT: Alina - CEO of $30m ARR ChiliPiper - on What’s Working TODAY

Alina is going to talk to us about her journey from being bootstrapped and profitable to raising over $50m at almost a unicorn valuation to going back to cash flow positive and building for the long term.

But MOST importantly …

She’s going to tell us what is working for Chili Piper RIGHT NOW that she would be ALSO be doing if she were at $1m ARR.

WHEN: Tues Sep 10, 2024 3pm EDT

You won’t want to miss this one.

Mark Kosoglow’s Rap and Last Week’s Beef Match

First thing - Mark dropped an incredible rap last week.

Here it is - credit to Ryan Scalera for helping him out.

I also had Mark on Inbound-Led Outbound Live last week.

Want the summary?

Mark’s a super smart guy and once we start having a nuanced conversation (rather than talking past each other) we agreed on a lot.

We mainly debated:

  • Whether Inbound-Led Outbound was actually just marketing

  • Whether it was harder to go $0-1 as a founder or $0-$250m as sales leader

  • Whether founder brand would ever lose its potency if everybody starts doing it

As always, if you made it this far, thanks for reading!

Please hit me up with any suggestions about what you’d like to hear more (or less) about.

And if you want to make my day, let me know you made it to the end!
