Call in 30min - can you come?

I'm explaining how I bootstrapped $22m ARR in 4 years ...

As I mentioned Friday in my newsletter, we had 1,300 attendees at our first live event, and it was AMAZING.

I spoke about how we arrived at our Inbound-Led Outbound GTM philosophy and what was working for us at and

Our next Workshop is in 30min.

Can you attend?

This week will be Workshop #2 - “How I Bootstrapped $22m ARR in 4 Years”.

I’m going to talk about:

  • Going 0-$1m w/ Facebook Ads

  • $1-10m w/ Philippines Cold Email

  • Trying to build a Unicorn in 12mo (and failing spectacularly)

  • Our churn problem and pivoting to B2B

  • Co-Creating a product with my LinkedIn Audience.