6Sense threatened to sue me over a LinkedIn post

In case you were living under a rock this week ...

6Sense Threatened to Sue Me Over A Viral LinkedIn Post

Last week I got a bit irritated about 6Sense emailing us saying they were going to 3x the price of their Website Visitor Identity tool that we weren’t even using.

They came back and kindly offered to extend for a year at a flat price, if we agreed to do so 6mo early.

As someone who sells to SMB, I would get burned at the stake if I suggested our Retention.com customers pay $5 more.


Are you kidding me.

So, I wrote a post about it, and shared my thoughts about how underwhelming the product itself actually was.

That triggered a cease and desist from 6Sense, and the following post, which was the content of the week.

Although I am guessing almost everybody saw it already.

Here’s a link so that you can read the actual cease and desist.

Fuck them!!!

Power to the People!!!


Yesterday 6sense threatened to sue me over a viral Linkedin post. Here’s a copy of their Cease and Desist and what they are demanding I do:

Their demands:

- Delete the LinkedIn post within 8 hours (this was 16 hours ago)

- Issue a public apology

- Tag the 463 commenters (who all hate 6Sense) in my apology

To recap, last Thursday I posted that 6Sense told us they were 3X-ing our pricing and my 6 theories why they didn’t want us using their tool.

My theories are (and remain):

1. They know their data is terrible.

Company-level resolution is inferior to person-level, full-stop. My team won’t use their product.

2. 6Sense is worried about what we’ll find when we compare their data to ours.

We compared 6Sense, Clearbit, and our data and there was tiny overlap. Interesting.

3. 6Sense is worried about the VIRAL expansion of our free tool.

I wasn’t fully convinced of this until today. Nothing says FEAR like a Cease and Desist from a $1,000/hr attorney.

4. 6Sense knows their 3rd party intent signal isn’t a buying signal.

Website visitor identity is the only real value they provide, and we crush them at it. Plus, our tool is free.

5. 6Sense pricing is just wrong, and they’re scared of the future.

Read through the comments of the last post. I’d be afraid too.

6. 6Sense wanted me to post about it.

I’m not sure about the last post, but they MUST have known that I would post about this.


So 6Sense, what is my response?

I’m not going to take the post down.

I think that would be a disservice to all of LinkedIn, and to SaaS in general.

Vendors like 6Sense need to be held accountable for employing unscrupulous sales tactics.

Everybody is sick of the BILLION DOLLAR BULLIES suing their way to their desired outcomes.

Repost this if you’re sick of it too!!!

Hubspot Integration is coming ANY MINUTE


Tate thinks he’s going to be done with the Hubspot integration by either this afternoon (unlikely) or early next week (highly likely).

  • The first round of functionality will be related to pushing contacts to trigger Hubspot workflows

  • We will then build the ability to identify website visitors’ deal stage

  • We also need to identify current customers

Those of you who have been using RB2B and have significant traffic will immediately ask “what about the ICP filter, there is too much noise”.

We know, that is up next.

Stay tuned.

The Inbound-Led Outbound Weekly Virtual Event

We’re going to start a weekly LinkedIn Live event inspired by the one and only Chris Walker.

The first one will be on Tuesday, May 7 at 3pm EST/12pm PST.

I’ll have a theme every week and either talk about a part of how we’re building RB2B, or bring a guest who is helping us in a key area.

Week 1’s topic:

“What the Heck is Inbound-Led Outbound?”

Here are the details:

Every Tuesday

3pm EST/12pm PST, 1hr

We’ll publish and replay on YouTube and Podcast channels.

That’s it for this week!

Feel free to hit me back if you liked or didn’t like something, want more or less of something or whatever.

Oh yeah …

And 6Sense …

Fuck those fucking fuckers.

Keep Building!
